• Chris Brooker Family POPcasdt

    Chris Brooker

    Chris Brooker is a recovering radio DJ with a passion for music. As a former program director for several stations across the midwest, he became an expert at finding new artists and sharing them with the world. If you're wondering, he will judge you on your favorite band. He's also an avid comic book fan, loves all things Marvel and DC and will gladly tell you his thoughts on each of their new projects. Follow him on Instagram @uziqguy and TikTok @chrisbrooker

  • Heather Brooker Family POPcast

    Heather Brooker

    Heather Brooker is an Emmy Award-winning actress/comedian. She’s appeared in over 40 films and TV shows including “Grey’s Anatomy,” “The Office,” “Fresh Off The Boat,” “The Mindy Project” and more. Heather was in the unprecedented role of digital entertainment reporter for KNBC in Los Angeles, where she regularly interviewed celebrities and luminaries in Hollywood. On her top rated podcast, Heather discusses her two passions — parenting and show business — and has a hilariously addicting, tell-it-like-it-is personality. In the six years since creating Motherhood in Hollywood, Heather has built a community of nearly 1 million followers across her social media and online platforms. She recently spoke at the GirlUp Leadership Summit alongside Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton and Meghan Markle about gender equity and body positivity and is passionate about empowering women to love their bodies of every shape and size. Follow heather on Instagram @theheatherbrooker and TikTok @heatherbrooker

  • Channing Brooker Family POPcast

    Channing Brooker

    Channing is an actress and host who loves to explain things to her parents. She created the segment "Chansplaining" in the show where she breaks down things she and other kids love to talk about. She's currently starring in a local production of "Annie" and loves to talk about Roblox, YouTube and ice cream.